Arc Boosts

Arc Boosts

Arc Boosts

99% Match

99% Match

99% Match




7m 30s

7m 30s

7m 30s




Winner of the Best Overall of 2023, with their first entry to the Product Video of the Year Awards. A must watch and one to keep an eye on for next year.

Winner of the Best Overall of 2023, with their first entry to the Product Video of the Year Awards. A must watch and one to keep an eye on for next year.

Winner of the Best Overall of 2023, with their first entry to the Product Video of the Year Awards. A must watch and one to keep an eye on for next year.

It's a demo, it's a promo, and it's a tutorial. All wrapped into one glorious, laugh-track-laden video.

It's self-indulgent, it's not serious, and it's got a lot of Papyrus font. This 7-minute zap-fest is the best product video of 2023.

In a lot of ways, it was obvious that The Browser Company would win this award. Their video marketing is God-tier. If you're interested I wrote more about it a blog post.

Product demos, where someone shows the audience around the product are great for creating a human connection between creator and viewer. It's more personal. We're watching someone show us how to do something.

Promo videos, where graphics and music are edited together are great for building excitement and interest. All the sound and bright colours and rhythmic movement get our dopamine and endorphins going (or whatever).

The Browser Company casually combines both of these things. Nate, our host tees up the video by showing us all his weird and wonderful website modifications. But before showing us how he did it Nate says "But first, we made a little video about it" and we're neatly segued into the Arc Boost promo video.

Following the promo clip Nate shows us step-by-step how to make Spotify look like a beach. There's rain, there's sun; people are sad, people are happy; there are close-ups and custom cursors. It's a lot of fun and that's what makes a great video.

Big ups The Browser Company, this is the Best Product Video of 2023. 🏆

(Go check their YouTube channel for more great vids)



Nate Parrott, Papyrus

Nate Parrott, Papyrus





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